Wednesday, July 21, 2010

meshuGHANA Presents: Greatest Questions for a Foreigner

Why are so many white people allergic to peanuts?

Question from a lovely coworker who treated me to a snack (boiled peanuts served straight from a giant metal plate on a woman's head into my hands).

Good question. Where's my epi-pen?


  1. I think this leads me to having an in-depth discussion with Jenn about allergies, pesticides, and immune systems... Thanks, Gabrielle, I know everyone will appreciate that.

  2. Natalie says:
    GABS! so glad to hear you got there safe. When I didn't hear from you I figured no news was good news ; )
    How is your room? How are your roommates? It sounds like a mini u.n. with a 2 year old.
    By the way, I love the name of the blog. Thanks for explaining it though, it was really hard to understand... I finally got the joke once you used the word neologism.

  3. And Amanda, by in-depth discussion with Jenn, you mean a Gabrielle styled rant - in her honour of course!

  4. I'm with you Gabs, and so impressed you remembered your epi-pen. I'm sure I would have forgotten.....damn peanuts. I am so impressed you got on that plane. Will keep in touch and check your blog regularily.
    Lots of Love

  5. Hi,
    I am Gabrielle's father and I received a large bag of peanuts from her for my birthday

  6. Love the peanuts...the only nut I'm not allergic to...but dying to try the coffee.

  7. Father, you lost all credibility by picking the username "ferrot".

    As for Amanda's suggestion, I kind of said what Jenn would say and said that we probably just ingest a lot of chemicals. White people like chemicals.

    Natalie - YOU"RE a neologism. You should start a competing blog called Ghanatalie.

  8. Hi Gabs,
    My user name is not some silly identity like ferrot. On the contrary, my username is Poochie.
    Check your list of followers before you make such outrageous statements
