Thursday, August 19, 2010

Best Compliment Ever

On the Trotro to work this morning, I bumped into a guy who I see at a lot of ABANTU's forums and conferences. He paid me a very sincere compliment:

"Your nose is very flamboyant." He said.

Thank you?

I have never heard the term flamboyant applied to my face before. My nose was ready to respond with "Girl, please! This nose is fierce!" and crank up the Kylie Minogue.


  1. 'cause I believe in Jew,
    I believe in,
    I believe in Jew
    I believe in... ♪ ♫

  2. Because it's a close to camping as possible without being camping...

    That means Paul is out.

  3. Because I'm not willing to sacrifice shoes.

  4. Lol Edie.

    Paul, despite Amanda's warning, I think I could entice you with the fact that you can get huge bottles of beer for about 3$ Canadian. It's like the opposite of O'Grady''s.
